Monday 12 November 2012

Party, Party, Party....

There have been some brilliant parties happening around the globe, so this week we're going to give you a little flavour of them. As you'll probably soon be thinking why didn't I hold one, we'll just remind you it's not too late and all the information is here and a fundraisers' pack can be on it's way to you in a flash! 
Pearlfisher, an award winning design company that created the branding for Harrison's Fund, held the first fundraiser when the charity launched at the beginning of the year in their own inimitable style. Having produced a brilliant cake time party fundraiser's pack that many of you have received, they, of course, decided to hold their own style of party!  Have a look at the pics below...
Big thank you to Pearlfisher, doing it in style, as always.


Another great party held last week was in Essendon, Hertfordshire.  Christabel, has known Harrison's Dad, Alex, since he was 4 and we're sure can tell a few interesting tales.  Of course, she was very keen to support Harrison's Fund and loved the idea of holding a Cake Time Party and inviting both  her friends and the local community.  She raised an absolutely amazing £1030 and really enjoyed the morning, these are her words below although the part that really made us giggle has been put in italics.
Essendon Harrison's Cake Time Party
I am so excited to let you know that we raised £1030, including donations from people who could not attend, for my Cake Time Party, held at my home in Essendon, Hertfordshire.
It was so lovely to open my home to friends and neighbours who all entered into the spirit of things fantastically making such a fun morning. People arrived armed with all sorts of cakes and biscuits, items for the bring and buy and presents for the raffle. I had so many generous donations for the raffle including a voucher from our local beauty salon and even a two tickets for a Buddy Holly tribute evening at our local nursery. Those who arrived early were given jobs and I had two brilliant helpers on the coffee side of things and the washing up afterwards! How could you ever manage without such willing volunteers.
Lots of chatter and laughter filled my home and we even had two very brave men arrive late, during the raffle draw, who I managed to pull inside, fleece them of their money, give them some cake and they quickly gave their best wishes and left much to the dismay of my naughty ladies who thought I had provided entertainment!!
I am so grateful to all who came to support Harrison's Fund, for their generosity and spirit, it was a lovely, happy morning.
Thank you, Christabel, and your lovely helpers and visitors, sounds like a fabulous fun morning.
There will be more about the parties in the next few days so look out for new posts.
Make Time for Cake Time or Cake Time to Make Time....

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